Supported Employment
Employment is our passion! We believe that the strongest sense of accomplishment, achievement and contribution is attained through one’s work. Therefore, employment development has been the foundation and origin of our work in the Connecticut River Valley. The majority of the adult clients and graduating students that we have worked with have employer paid jobs of their own! Each job seeker benefits from the following employment curriculum:
Vocational Assessment – Each individual is screened using an interest inventory to develop a career profile.
Pre-Employment Skill Development – All job seekers will learn skills necessary for resume prep, interviewing skills, completing applications and employment portfolio.
Job Shadowing – Based on career profile, each individual visits a minimum of 3 job sites within each area of interest.
Work Experiences –Prior to job placement, a work experience is helpful to ensure job match.
Competitive Hire – All job seekers at Life Transition Services are assisted to explore meaningful contributions either through volunteer commitments or a paying job of their own!